Like a herd of turtles! This was a common phrase in my house growing up and I think adequately describes my progress with the LIMBS Knee evaluation.
Last week, I went to Kisumu to oversee the final fitting of the three patients evaluating the LIMBS knee there. This is the first location to complete the fitting. I traveled with another young lady, Faith, who acted as my translator and companion as needed. It took over 8 hours to travel through western Kenya and reach Kisumu. Because of the length of the trip, we traveled on Tuesday, worked on Wednesday, and traveled back on Thursday. It was wonderful to be near the water again. Both nights I ate fresh tilapia for dinner! Yum!
I spent all day Wednesday at Nyanza Provincial General Hospital interviewing the patients, overseeing their gait training (learning to walk with the new leg), and supervising the filling out of forms. Overall, it was a busy day, but also, a productive one. The only downside to the whole trip was that one of the hired cleaning staff went into the Head of Department's (HOD) office and got into my stuff and stole all the cash and receipts in my wallet. I lost over $170 US. It could have been worse, he did not take my ATM card or my Alien ID card. I had been assured beforehand that my stuff would be safe in the office, but sadly it was not. the HOD and I have an idea of who may have stolen it. There is a man who comes with the cleaning crew and then sits outside of the offices and watches TV all day. He had the opportunity and motive. PLEASE pray for this situation!
1. For the person who stole the money. Pray that he would repent of his crime and return the money if possible.
2. For me, having someone go through my stuff when it was supposedly in a safe place mad me feel violated. Also, since the person stole my receipt for where I was staying that night, I felt very wary about staying in the room. It is scary to know that some thief out there knows where you are staying!
Although it was a lot of money stolen, I know God is in control. He will provide for my needs!
On a lighter note, Kijabe is finally getting some rain. (OK, a lot of rain) Everything is turning green. Church and AWANA are going well and I am enjoying the time I spend with me neighbors.
I am at 20% of my support for September. Please pray that God would provide the other 80%.
My parents are coming over to visit in less than a month. I am so excited! This will be the first time my Dad has been in Africa! I have scheduled everything out for their time with me. I can't wait to show them around Kijabe and introduce them to my neighbors and friends.
Also, my home church in NC is sending a team to Kenya at the end of June to lead some children's programs and I have asked to be part of the team! GOD IS GOOD! The place were the team is staying is outside my budget range and God has provided a way for me to stay with them anyway! GOD IS GOOD! Therefore, I will join the team in their work. The place we are staying will have internet so I can keep up with my work while also serving with the team!
God has also given me the opportunity to serve spiritually. Beth, a Kenyan highschool freshman, accepted the LORD a few weeks ago at a youth camp. She has asked me to disciple her and teach her more about the Bible. I feel so inadequate! I have studied the Bible almost all my life, but how do I teach it to a 15 year-old girl who knows almost nothing about the Bible? I know God will work through me and that God will show me what to say and how to say it. I'm just nervous! I have mentored young ladies before, but they were in juvenile prison and could not see the mistakes I made in daily life. Beth can. She knows where I live and where I work. My life is a living example for her and I am FAR from perfect in my walk. I get grumpy and moody. I forget to have quiet times. Sometimes I lose my temper. I feel unworthy! Please pray for me and that God would use me even through my faults! Please pray for Beth and that her faith would grow.
Thank you!
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