Monday, August 6, 2012


We arrived in Maralal late last night and today we tried to find a ride to Loiyangalani. No success. So we wait. This is not unusual as most transportation relies on trucks along this trade route. Thankfully, there is a Masters Mission Station here where Benjamin and I can wait, and I can work.
 I am learning to wait. This is African time, not American. The journey is just as important as the destination.  Benjamin says he does not like to travel, and if this is what he means by traveling, I can understand why. I, on the other hand, love to travel but don't like having to wait around while someone else decides if they want to show up.

After lunch, Benjamin  took a nap.

Please pray that we can find a ride tomorrow.  Both Benjamin and I want to get to Loiyangalani as soon as possible. That is his home and, as anyone can tell you, delays during the trip home are never welcome! I think his sleeping pose captures his feelings perfectly!

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