Sunday, February 8, 2015

Attention Prayer Warriors

Hello Team,
It's hard to believe it is already February. I spent most of January reopening communication channels with my contacts in Kenya. Almost all business closes down in December so January is like a month long Monday. The best way to describe how I felt this month is, "the days dragged by but the weeks flew by."

There have been a few new developments in my life. I am in contact with an orthopedic technologist in Zambia and they may be interested in using the LIMBS system, but we will see. Also, there are a handful of people inquiring about LIMBS and their work in Kenya. It is a slow start but it is something. 

Now, here is my main reason for writing. I need you to pray diligently for the next week. LIMBS International has asked if I am willing to relocate to Mexico or Bolivia where I might be better utilized and could oversee their community based rehabilitation program. However, I have to learn Spanish. I asked for a week to pray about it. 

As many of you know, things have not been going very well in Kenya. Even though I have been here for the last 3+ years, patients and technologists are still slow to catch on to the project and despite my efforts, only a handful patients are fit with the leg each year. However, else where in the world the system is thriving. So, because we have limited funds, LIMBS is trying to best utilize it's people by putting them where the most action is. 

The following  are the options going through my mind these days. So while I know the final decision is mine to make, Proverbs 15:22 says,"Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." Therefore, I am asking you to pray with me and provide counsel as I discern what God would have me do. 

1. Stay in Kenya and trudge on.
2. Leave Kenya, return to the USA, and pursue a masters degree in Prosthetics and Orthotics. Then later return to Africa to help those with physical limitations lead a more normal life. 

3. Leave Kenya, and move to Mexico or Bolivia. 

4. None of the above. 

As an engineer I like to make charts and tables to analyze things. See the chart below explains my current thoughts and concerns about each of the above options:

Please pray for discernment and let me know if you have any advice.

God Bless!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth! You know we were just talking about you last night. If you remember you had dinner in Longview TX at Teri Conroe's house. I was there and a guy named Josh and another named Tommy were there as well. Josh, Tommy and I were talking about you.

    I will definitely be praying for you but here is my two cents. Take them for what they're worth.

    You can learn Spanish! If it's difficult for you it's God's way of making you dependent on him. We all have thorns in our sides that keep up humble. My personal challenge is mathematics. I'm amazed at people like you who can get engineering degrees. Wow!

    Don't worry about your puppy. God will provide a loving home for him (her?). I would take it if you brought it back with you.

    Too bad you couldn't work in Latin America and get some kind of degree online so you wouldn't have to stop working. I guess it would be what's best in the long run.

    Take care!!
